Class 7 Build and Code Lego Pulling Robots

This week Class 7 have been using the Lego WeDo 2.0 robotics kits to build and code robots that are designed to pull heavy weights.  The class were given a short time (only 40 minutes!) and the basic instructions and were then left to create their own robot.  Coding the robot also proved interesting, where they were able to adjust the speed of the motor to create more or less traction and increase the weights that could be moved.

Below is a video of Vinnie and Isaac getting their robot working…


Here is some of the code the class had to write in order to make their robots move.  The green block that says ’10’ underneath controls the speed and the end block controls how long the robot moves for!


Let’s have a look at a few finished robots…

Our robot goes for 18 seconds at a time and goes ‘boing boing boing’ while it pulls heavy weights! – Harry and Clarissa


When you put the code in the robot moves backwards and also if you put weight in the trailer bit it’ll carry it along behind when it moves.  We made the code on the computer and then made it run on the Lego. – Amber and Lola


Our robot pulls wheels in its basket so if you need to travel with your wheels then it’s the thing to use!  It’s better to put them standing up than lying down because if they’re lying down they’ll grip too much and the robot won’t move as well. – Vinnie and Isaac


A few photos from the building:

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