Learning About Autumn

Children in classes 1 and 2 have been busy learning about Autumn and Harvest this week.  We have learnt all about the changes that take place during Autumn such as the leaves changing colour and falling from the trees.  In class 2, we looked at different photos of Autumn scenes and the children have been painting the leaves onto trees using their fingers.

I used red, yellow and brown on my fingers for the leaves – Erin

I liked using my fingers to paint. My favourite colour was red – Ayveeahnah

In class 1, the children foraged for leaves in the wildlife garden and discussed the different trees the leaves came from. We studied the shape of them and the different colours. We then brought them back to class and painted them to make leaf prints.

 I liked learning about Autumn. My favourite picture was of the leaves in the wood – Kieran

In Autumn, the leaves fall down. They go gold, yellow and red. – Bella


Also in the news:

Bethany Waters

Netball Festival at Hayle Academy

On Thursday, twenty Year 6’s went up to Hayle Academy to participate in a Netball Festival against several other local schools. Penpol’s teams both played their hearts out and really enjoyed their afternoon up at the

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Rebecca Best

Proud to be Penpol

Many children grow up wondering where they fit in the world. This is especially the case for those subjected to misunderstanding or prejudice because of who they are. During our Free To Be Me day, the children of

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Linda Ruffell

Year 2 Den Building Fun!

Year 2 had a great morning today den building. Both class 5 and 6 worked together to show how sharing ideas and  team work can help you to achieve an amazing outcome! As you can see, from

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Michael Pearson

Year 2 Explore Christianity and Islam

This term, Year 2 pupils have been learning about Islam and Christianity through their enquiry questions… Who is Muslim and how do they live? Why does Christmas matter to Christians? In order to learn from religious

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Also in the news:

Michael Pearson

Local Beekeeper Creates a Buzz in Year 2!

On Tuesday 21st February, Year 2 were visited by Tamsin Harris, who has been a beekeeper since 1998 and currently keeps 109 hives in the local area. Tamsin has extensive knowledge and experience in the craft

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Jacob Woolcock

Kids Invent Stuff visit Penpol School

Last week Penpol had a very exciting visit from Ruth and Shawn – otherwise known as Kids Invent Stuff – to talk about all things engineering, inventing and creating! The day started with the whole school

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Netball Fever

On Thursday 23 children made the relatively short walk to Hayle Academy to take part in a coaching clinic with 4 Year 10 pupils from Hayle; 3 of which were ex-Penpol pupils. The Year 6 pupils

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Jono Peck

Surf’s up with Y5/6 Surf Club

Surf’s up – During June and July, the Y5/6  went surfing with Hayle based surf school Shore Surf to learn to surf or improve surfing skills and also learn about key water safety messages and what

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Mark Pollard

Year 5 wowed by Spaceport Satellite exhibition

On Monday the 13th and Tuesday the 14th of September, Year 5 were fortunate to be offered a visit to Newquay Airport where Spaceport Cornwall currently have an exhibition taking place – ‘Story of a Satellite’.

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