Faster than Usain?? – Year 6’s trip to see the REAL fastest man in the world.

On Monday the 30th of October the whole of Year 6 travelled to Newquay Airport to meet Andy Green – the man who currently holds the world land-speed record, having travelled at 656mph in 1997.

He is now part of a team that is attempting to travel at an incredible 1000mph in the BloodHound SSC (SuperSonic Car) and we were lucky enough to see the car being put through its paces. Despite a blip (it was expected to reach 200mph in a matter of seconds, but had a fault) it was still great to see it. Alongside this, there was an educational tutorial discussing the science behind the car, which included the recreation of a sonic boom which you could certainly feel from where we were sat.

During the educational event there were  lots of experiments and activities to work through, with a real focus and push on engineering. A great day!


I thought it was a really fun day, but I wish that the car had travelled faster! Doing all of the activities in the hangar was brilliant though. – Alex.


BloodHound didn’t travel as quickly as it could, but it was evident that it had the potential. I really enjoyed the whole day and I think I enjoyed working on a stop-gap animation the most. – Taran


Andy Green – The BloodHound SSC driver before the test-run.

Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Being Kind

The reception classes were lucky to be invited into assembly to see an amazing speaker called Bereford Lee with the local Tri Service Safety Officer Adrian Hart. Beresford has formed a group called Rice and Peas

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Michael Pearson

A Giant Adventure for Year 2!

On Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October, Year 2 enjoyed two truly incredible trips to St Michael’s Mount as part of this term’s topic, ‘Who’s the King of the Castle?’ They were lucky enough to travel by boat

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Jacob Woolcock

Exploring Stop Motion in Class 14

In Computing this week Class 14 learnt all about Stop Motion Animation and how to bring objects to life in creative and fun ways.  After a short introduction their challenge was simple: “Make your Classroom come

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Elizabeth Nidds

Brilliant Balance Ability

Reception have been enjoying some great Balance Ability sessions since coming back after Easter. I like letting go when we’ve held the bikes and then we go very fast down the hill – Jude The children

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Amanda Aspden

Super Savvy

Class 1 had an incredible fun packed morning with the super savvy team in Hayle. We practised our ballet moves with Clare and pretended to be cheeky pixies picking a lovely juicy apple from a tree

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Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Dance Fever hits Penpol!

Class 13 were the last in a long list of children to attend an introductory workshop at Hayle’s own Savvy Studios. Years 4, 5 and 6 have all had the opportunity to take part in two separate

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Michael Pearson

Year 2 Explore Christianity and Islam

This term, Year 2 pupils have been learning about Islam and Christianity through their enquiry questions… Who is Muslim and how do they live? Why does Christmas matter to Christians? In order to learn from religious

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Jacob Woolcock

Internet Legends and Beyond with Year 6

As well as learning about being Internet Legends, our Year 6’s have taken their learning a step further by creating their own sixth section to the Be Internet Legends curriculum.  After some really in depth discussions

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Imogen Robinson

Year 2 visit to St Michael’s Mount

On a very windy, stormy Monday 6th December, year 2 went to visit St Michael’s Mount as part of their Castles topic. After putting on our head-to-toe waterproofs, we got on the coach and drove through

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