Penalty Heartbreak For Our Footballers

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children who form the Penpol School Football Team took part in the FA County Schools 7 aside tournament for the West of Cornwall on Friday. They performed remarkably well and were the talk of the tournament with their free flowing passing game.

After games against St Ives (2-0 win), Marazion (3-0 win) and Pensans (3-0 win) the boys knew that victory against Parc Eglos would secure them top stop in their group. With that on their minds they set to work dispatching them with 2 fine team goals to set up a semi-final match against local rivals Bodriggy. A hard fought 1-0 victory meant the boys in black progressed to the final, scoring 13 goals and conceding none en route.

Reaching the final ensured the teams progression to the County finals for the first time in many years which are set to be held on the 17th November. Runners-up from Group A, Parc Eglos managed to overcome Alverton in their semi-final to set-up a re-run of the days earlier match against the Penpol boys. An early goal from Penpol meant for the entire game meant they looked favourites for the trophy however a late goal sent the game to extra-time and then onto penalties. The curse for the English struck and the boys were defeated 4-3 on penalty kicks, a terrible way to lose. However they can be extremely proud of what they achieved and we wish them all the best for the finals.


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