Special Visitors for Year 2

Mark’s Ark arrives at Penpol School

To coincide with their ‘Science’ topic “Animals including Humans’, Class 5 and 6 invited some unusual visitors into their classroom.

During the visit, the children heard a lot of interesting facts about how animals use their senses to stay alive and for those who were feeling very brave, were given the opportunity to handle and stroke some of the animals.

Lily and Zackery feeling very brave

The snake felt all cold and soft – Mia


I felt really scared to hold the snake and then I felt brave – Lily


The owl was my favourite because it looked really soft and cute – Abigail


Also in the news:

Michael Pearson

Drama at the Minack

On Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd February, our Year 2 classes braved the elements as they ventured to the historic and magical Minack Theatre for a theatre tour and drama workshop.   After a long and

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Nic Stanlake

South West Title for Super Gymnast

Penpol School now has an Under 11 South West Gymnastics champion amongst its sporting stars. She has, for many years now, been featuring on the Penpol times but this is her biggest accommodate to date. Travelling

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Nic Stanlake

Dance Fever hits Penpol!

Class 13 were the last in a long list of children to attend an introductory workshop at Hayle’s own Savvy Studios. Years 4, 5 and 6 have all had the opportunity to take part in two separate

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Also in the news:

Christina Sukstiene

Year 3 Have a Pharaoh Time At Truro Museum

Last Tuesday (8th November) saw Class 7 and 8 head off to Truro to visit Royal Cornwall Museum as part of their ‘Ancient Egypt’ topic. Once we had (eventually) gotten the train from Hayle to Truro,

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Michael Pearson

Local Beekeeper Creates a Buzz in Year 2!

On Tuesday 21st February, Year 2 were visited by Tamsin Harris, who has been a beekeeper since 1998 and currently keeps 109 hives in the local area. Tamsin has extensive knowledge and experience in the craft

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 hit the heights at The Tide

Our current Year 6 pupils had their activity week curtailed last year due to the pandemic but finally had the chance to don the harnesses and head to The Tide. Thanks must go to Mr Pollard

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