Year 6 Language stars of the month!

Classes 13 and 14 in Year 6 have been learning about how to describe their home town in French. From learning about their favourite place to visit, as well as places they dislike in their town, both classes have worked hard to master both pronunciation and memorisation of vocabulary. Their final lesson was an opportunity to test their overall confidence with this topic by completing a language challenge on the website, in the Junior Mac Suite. is a website which allows teachers to create an interactive quiz and share it with a whole class, with each student having their own computer to complete the quiz. The twenty questions on places in town is then shared live with the students at the same time and they are given a time limit of 10 seconds to answer a multiple choice question correctly. It enables every student in the class to compete against each other on this topic to get the highest score.

The winner from class 14 was Juliette, who was the only student who managed to answer all questions correctly, scoring 100%, as well as having the quickest reaction time.

Kahoot is so much fun because it tests you against everyone else in the class. I loved it! Juliette- class 14- Year 6

Juliette received a French certificate for her effort and commitment in French.

In class 13, Trystan was also the overall winner, narrowly beating Lola and Will to first place on the podium.

Kahoot is so much fun!  It’s quick and tests you on what you know.  I loved beating my friends! Trystan- class 13- Year 6

Next up for Year 6 will be the Penpol- Lavignolle email exchange. This half term, students will be receiving their first email from students in France from Lavignolle primary school, which is situated in the suburbs of Paris. This will be the perfect opportunity for the students to develop more of a cultural understanding by learning about the differences between French schools and English schools.

“I asked my French penpal which rugby team they supported, so I can’t wait to hear back from them!” Jack- class 13- Year 6.

Watch this space for more on the Penpol- Lavignolle email exchange.

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Linda Ruffell

Year 3 – Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt As part of their history topic, year 3 started off learning about Ancient Egypt by turning some oranges into mummies! Just like real Ancient Egyptian embalmers we started off by taking out all of

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Bethany Waters

Year 6 children gather for evacuation!

On Thursday 24th November, the Year 6’s of Penpol School donned their 1940’s attire and were transported back in time. On arrival, their labels were checked and destinations confirmed. Roll call was taken and they were

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Linda Ruffell

Class 7’s Ancient Egyptian Day

To finish off this terms  history project, ‘Ancient Egyptians’, Class 7 held an Egyptian dressing up day. During this day, the children were given the opportunity to reflect on their learning journey and also show off their

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Linda Ruffell

Year 3 visits Footsteps of Discovery

Year 3, have just returned to school after visiting and spending the night at the Footsteps of Discovery centre in Summercourt, Newquay. Whilst at the centre, the children participated in a range of lifesaving skills. This

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Amanda Aspden

Reception visit Heyl Crossfit

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Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Reception visit Heyl Crossfit

The reception classes had a great time at Heyl gym. Louise, our personal trainer, taught us how to do proper squats and we did some bear, frog and duck walking. We also learnt how to swing

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Linda Ruffell

Year 3 – Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt As part of their history topic, year 3 started off learning about Ancient Egypt by turning some oranges into mummies! Just like real Ancient Egyptian embalmers we started off by taking out all of

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Michael Pearson

Sleeping with the Sharks

To top off a school year filled with adventure, excitement and challenge, Year 2 pupils embarked upon an incredible opportunity to ‘sleep with the sharks’ at Plymouth’s National Marine Aquarium. Following a joyous minibus journey up

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Nic Stanlake

Penpol Win the Treble!

The Penpol School Boys Football team have followed up their successes in the Leading Edge Academy Trust Cup and The Penwith Schools District Cup with victory in the Hayle Mayor’s Cup. After competing with local Hayle

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