Amelie Wins a Medal at a Gymnastics Competition

Amelie from class 4 came to school today with some very exciting news. She had taken part in a gymnastics competition at her local club in Penzance on Sunday and walked away with a medal! Amelie goes to Penzance gymnastics club and took part in a competition for floor and vault at level 7. She and 4 other girls aged between 5 and 7, competed as a group and were awarded a bronze medal. 45 gymnasts from her group took part, so Amelie was delighted to come away with a medal. Amelie was kind enough to show us some of her floor routine. Take a look…


I go to gymnastics on Mondays and Fridays. I go for 2 hours on a Monday and an hour and half on Friday. I do conditioning on Friday, that’s where I do lots of stretching and I do lots of strength training. I do bars and chin ups as well. I want a chin up bar for my birthday.

I showed everyone how to do my vault.

My favourite move in gymnastics is the splits. It’s quite hard and I have been practicing a lot. I also like doing headstands and I practice at home on the sofa.

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Year 6 children gather for evacuation!

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Surf Club

On Tuesday, still weary from their London trip, some Year 6’s headed over to Gwithian for their first Surf Club session of the year. the sun was shining and the waves were perfect for smashing about

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Exploring Stop Motion in Class 14

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Jacob Woolcock

Codeblocks at Christmas

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Michael Pearson

Local Beekeeper Creates a Buzz in Year 2!

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Nic Stanlake

Year 5 visited by The Beach Guardians

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Jack Emery

Riotous Romans Invade Penpol!

Today, Year 4 got a true taste of Roman army life, with Marcus Quintonius, a high ranking legionnaire, visiting Penpol Year 4 children for the day.  Focussing on the Roman invasion of Britannia, students came into

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