A Busy Week In The Sporting Calendar

After an excellent sporting year, including back to back netball wins and an unbeaten start to the season for our football team, 2017 comes to an end. However, not before a final week of fixtures. 34 children pulled on the shirt last week and represented the school in 3 respective sports, 9 for the first time.

On Tuesday our netball team made their way to Mounts Bay to partake in  one of their regular league fixtures where they defeated Mousehole 5-0 to go into Christmas with 3 wins and just the 1 loss.

The football A team continued their scintillating form by defeating St Hilary by 8 goals to 1, meaning they go into Christmas undefeated scoring over 50 goals and conceding only 3.  As we look forward to the New Year the small task of the regional finals in Bristol sits not to far away.

Penpol’s B team were unable to follow up their previous victory against Ludgvan going down 3-1 against St Hilary. However, this was an exceptional effort against their A team. The B team has been a real success this year with many of the players playing in only their second ever match after record numbers attending football club.

The 4th fixture of the week took place at Penzance Astro Park where 9 children braved the Cornish winter weather to play in 3 matches against Pensans, Trythall and Bodriggy. For 5 of the 9 they were playing competitive hockey for the first time and did exceptionally well with a 3-0 loss sandwiched by two draws. The next round of fixtures takes place in the New Year.



Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Our Own Hockey Heroes!

A collection of our Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils headed over to Penzance Hockey Club for some friendly festival games on Thursday. A mixed bag of results which culminated in a hotly contested ‘friendly’ derby

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Linda Ruffell

Class 7’s Ancient Egyptian Day

To finish off this terms  history project, ‘Ancient Egyptians’, Class 7 held an Egyptian dressing up day. During this day, the children were given the opportunity to reflect on their learning journey and also show off their

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Nic Stanlake

Penpol Mini Marathon 2022

The sun shone brightly for our first Penpol Mini-Marathon for 3 years on Wednesday; with it came the flushed red faces, the gallons of water drank and the hundreds of smiling faces.It always is such a lovely

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Nic Stanlake

Class 13 Visit Bodmin Keep

On taking a short break from studying WW2 within their topic of Wartime Britain, Class 13 moved their focus to WW1 and the commemoration of the Armistice. To help emerge themselves in to the lives of

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Jacob Woolcock

Fantastic Fireworks in Year 1

This week Year 1 have been learning all about fireworks by writing poetry and creating digital art. The children started on Tuesday by getting used to drawing on the iPads with the Logitech Crayons. They used

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Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Being Kind

The reception classes were lucky to be invited into assembly to see an amazing speaker called Bereford Lee with the local Tri Service Safety Officer Adrian Hart. Beresford has formed a group called Rice and Peas

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Nic Stanlake

Penpol Mini Marathon 2022

The sun shone brightly for our first Penpol Mini-Marathon for 3 years on Wednesday; with it came the flushed red faces, the gallons of water drank and the hundreds of smiling faces.It always is such a lovely

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Jacob Woolcock

Exploring Energy and Innovating Ideas

Today our Year 5 and Year 6 LEGO League teams were fortunate enough to have not one but two very special guests around to help mentor and support them with their competition preparation. Our team mentor,

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Bethany Waters

Class 8’s Summer Camp

On Tuesday 14th June, Class 8 set off on their first overnight school camp to Footsteps of Discovery; spending all of Tuesday there as well as Wednesday morning. During the camp the children got to try

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