Class 4 light up Christmas with French and German songs

This half-term, Class 4 have been learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. For their concert in St Elwyn’s church, Class 4 learnt a French song with Mr Emery about the animals in the stable. The students were able to name each of the animals from the song in French, as well as ask the question, “do you have any pets” in French.

Students from class 4 have been really excited about performing French and German songs with their family watching.


I have been practising ‘Tu as un animal’ lots, I really like that song! Oliver, Class 4

Miss Ryan and Mrs Anthoney have also enjoyed teaching the children about animals in French, having produced a 3D animal display board in French in the classroom and testing their knowledge in the lead-up to Class 4’s Christmas concert.

In addition, Mr Jones has been teaching class 4 the heartwarming German song, O Tannebaum (Oh Christmas Tree). Class 4 lit up St Elwyn’s church with their own performance of the song in front of parents and families.

To finish off an exciting term for languages, Class 4 also sang both songs in front of the Christmas tree in the school hall, with class 5 watching as special guests.

Class 4 sang really well! Chloe, Class 5

High praise indeed from the older students! Next up, Mr Emery looks forward to teaching many more French classics to the children in the New Year.


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