Penpol have Sporting Stars in Gymnastics!

This week we’ve had some excellent news from Kiki, Myla, Zannah and Maizy who have all competed and won prizes in gymnastics.  Here they are talking about their wins in their own words…


Kiki (Class 7)

“I definitely didn’t think that I would win, but I was really proud when I did.” Kiki came first in her Gymnastics with her tumbling routine.

Myla (Class 3),  Zannah (Class 10) and Maizy (Class 10)

“There was a gymnastics competition and we had to learn three runs and we had to do them and the judges judged us.  There was sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second and first places.  We came fourth, fifth and sixth overall and have these lovely rosettes to show how well we did.  There were 14 people taking part so we were really excited to be in the top six.”

Also in the news:

Mark Pollard

Year 5 wowed by Spaceport Satellite exhibition

On Monday the 13th and Tuesday the 14th of September, Year 5 were fortunate to be offered a visit to Newquay Airport where Spaceport Cornwall currently have an exhibition taking place – ‘Story of a Satellite’.

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Michael Pearson

Year 2 Explore Christianity and Islam

This term, Year 2 pupils have been learning about Islam and Christianity through their enquiry questions… Who is Muslim and how do they live? Why does Christmas matter to Christians? In order to learn from religious

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Nic Stanlake

Year 5 visited by The Beach Guardians

Yesterday our 2 Year 5 classes had some very special visitors. We were joined by the Beach Guardians. Beach Guardian is a community interest company that aim to ‘engage, educate and empower against plastic pollution. Based

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Also in the news:

Linda Ruffell

Year 2 become Kings and Queens

To coincide with their history topic, Castles, Kings and Queens, year 2 planned and participated in a very Royal Kings and Queens dressing up day. On this day, all of the children from class 5 and

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Jacob Woolcock

Exploring Stop Motion in Class 14

In Computing this week Class 14 learnt all about Stop Motion Animation and how to bring objects to life in creative and fun ways.  After a short introduction their challenge was simple: “Make your Classroom come

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Jacob Woolcock

Internet Legends and Beyond with Year 6

As well as learning about being Internet Legends, our Year 6’s have taken their learning a step further by creating their own sixth section to the Be Internet Legends curriculum.  After some really in depth discussions

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Jacob Woolcock

Behind the Scenes of Maths Mania in Scratch

Scratch is a great program that lets us build our own games, animations and tools.  Using brightly coloured blocks of code we can control individual objects (called Sprites) as well as being able to combine multiple

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