Penpol launch a brand new Community Choir!

We are very excited to let you know about a new event that will be taking place at Penpol School over the next 4 weeks. We would like to introduce the Penpol Community Choir, which will be held in our school hall between 4.15pm – 5pm on Thursday 14th, 21st & 28th June and Thursday 5th July.

The choir will be open to members of the Hayle community who would like to join us. We hope it will be a great opportunity for parents, carers, grannies & grandads and any local residents to come together and enjoy some great singing. No expertise is required, just the capacity to have some fun!

We ask that all children are accompanied by an adult – this could be a family member or friend. We would also be grateful if you could spread the word to other members of the community who would like to join us. The Community Choir is open to all – the more the merrier!

There will be a voluntary contribution of 50p per week, per family group and any funds raised will go towards other school community events.

We are really looking forward to starting the choir and to seeing many of you for the first session on Thursday 14th June.

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Exploring Energy and Innovating Ideas

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Emily Bodmer

Year 2 Visit Church for the Easter Story

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Amanda Aspden

Brilliant Beach Days

Class 1 had an amazing day at the Bluff beach with the surf lifesaving super star Ben Holtaway.   We started out in the beach hut and learnt all about beach safety. We learnt where and

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Amanda Aspden

Heyl Crossfit

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