Reception Visit The Seal Sanctuary

This week, the children in Classes 1 and 2 were very excited to visit the Seal Sanctuary in Gweek as part of our learning about ‘Under the Sea’. We travelled to Gweek on the school minibuses – our very first time on the minibuses at Penpol!

We visited all the different animals at the Sanctuary from seals to penguins to otters and sea lions as well. We learnt all about how the seal sanctuary has rescued 74 seals this year and how they don’t drink but get all the fluid they need from the fish. We also learnt that they can hold their breath underwater for 45 minutes at a time!

We loved visiting the Humbolt penguins and learnt they live in pairs and can live for up to 25 years! We liked seeing them swimming under the water.

We enjoyed having a picnic lunch and even had time to play on the pirate ship play area afterwards!

After lunch we walked down the nature trail to visit the otters at their home in Otter Creek. We loved looking out for all the animals on the nature trail and got to listen to lots of interesting facts about the animals on the way. We saw a bug hotel and talked about the insects that might live there.

We all had a lovely day at the Sanctuary and are eagerly looking forward to our next school trip!

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Amanda Aspden

Exploring at Tehidy Woods

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Nic Stanlake

Year 5 visited by The Beach Guardians

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Also in the news:

Michael Pearson

Sleeping with the Sharks

To top off a school year filled with adventure, excitement and challenge, Year 2 pupils embarked upon an incredible opportunity to ‘sleep with the sharks’ at Plymouth’s National Marine Aquarium. Following a joyous minibus journey up

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Nic Stanlake

Year 5 visited by The Beach Guardians

Yesterday our 2 Year 5 classes had some very special visitors. We were joined by the Beach Guardians. Beach Guardian is a community interest company that aim to ‘engage, educate and empower against plastic pollution. Based

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Jacob Woolcock

Internet Legends and Beyond with Year 6

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Jack Emery

Roman Invasion in Year 4!

Year 4 have been learning about the Romans this year and held a special day to celebrate. Everyone dressed up in their finest Roman attire, including the Year 4 teachers! To begin with, the Year group

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Emily Bodmer

Class 3 Seaside Art

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