Dr. Dolittle at the Minack Theatre

On Thursday 14th June, Y3 and Y5 went to the Minack Theatre in Porthcurno to watch ‘The adventures of Dr. Dolittle.’ It was performed by the Illyria Theatre company.

Dr Dolittle starts out as a human doctor but once he is then taught by his parrot Polynesia how to talk to animals, he becomes a very popular vet. He goes on an adventure to Africa with Jip the dog, Chee-Chee the monkey, Dab-Dab the Duck and Gub-Gub the pig. He always puts the animals first which frequently gets him into trouble but kindness gets you far and all ends very well.

We all had lunch together on the grass before making our way into the magnificent theatre carved into a cliff. The views were amazing of the performers and the scenery beyond that. It was a very hot day so we enjoyed our ice cream during the interval.


The show was full of catchy songs and amazing puppets. We all enjoyed our day greatly.

‘I liked the bit when the pig kept saying, “cake.” Visiting the Minack theatre was awesome. I am afraid of heights but Mrs Smart held my hand. I enjoyed it and hadn’t been there before.’ – Dominic


‘I enjoyed the play. It was sad and exciting at the end. He had to sell the ‘Push me – Pull you.’ – Isabella

I liked all the animals and how he went on an expedition to save them all. You could see the horizon from our seats.’ – Tess

‘It was great at the Minack, I loved the play and I loved the view!’ – Gabby

‘Dr. Dolittle was amazing. My favourite animal was the owl.’ – Miranda

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