Year 6 Evacuated Back To WW2

Nearly eighty years after thousands of children and young vulnerable adults were evacuated from cities across the country during WW2, our Year 6 children had a go themselves. To celebrate the end of our ‘Wartime Britain’ topic the children (and adults) dressed themselves in period clothing and lived the life pf an evacuee for the day.

After being collected from the gate by a member of the Home Guard, a U.S. Naval officer and our very own Land Girls they waved a teary goodbye to their parents before being subjected to a roll call and squeezing into a cramped school hall; much like the evacuees of 1939 would have been when they departed the trains.

I really enjoyed WW2 day, I loved making the food. It was great to have the opportunity to dress up in clothes that I borrowed from my Granddad! Throughout the day we had to hide under the tables when the air-raid siren went off, It was especially funny when the parents came in and had no idea what to do! – Jamie, Class 13

It was here the children had chance to act in character and meet their fellow evacuees, discussing the contents of their suitcases as well as their preferred destination. It was in the hall where the children also had to opportunity to look at some genuine WW2 artefacts including a British Army parachute, an army helmet worn during the Battle of Arnem and some U.S. Navy standard issue items.

Once the children had been sorted in the classes for the evacuation they had the opportunity to write a postcard home to their loved ones. The purpose of this was to reassure their loved ones of their safe arrival in the countryside.

For the remainder of the day the evacuees had the opportunity to create 2 pieces of artwork; one Blitz searchlight themed.

The children also tried their hands at some ration inspired baking. using a genuine ration recipe book the children worked under close supervision from the Land Girls to make bread and butter pudding. A dish very popular during the war as it used up many left over ingredients but also those readily available during the tough time.

Evacuee day was so much fun, my favourite part was making the origami spitfire! Closely followed by baking the bread and butter pudding. It gave us an insight into how people survived with rationing during the war- Abi, Class 14

At the close of the day the children were collected by their parents, their evacuation much shorter than those in the war. Many parents came into class to sample some of their cooking but also sit and enjoy their child’s work from the last term, with the majority of literacy and topic being based heavily

These day’s are brilliant, it’s great to see so many of the children and adults getting involved. It’s lovely to come in and look through my child’s work in the classroom as its not something I often get the opportunity to do. Thank you!- Parent

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