Year 5 visit Hayle Academy for a STEM day

On Wednesday, Year 5 zipped up to Hayle Academy for a fantastic, fun filled STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) morning.  The children had an excellent morning learning how to cook, make solar powered cars, do advanced maths, science and art.

As well as this being an opportunity to learn some fantastic new skills, the children were able to acquaint themselves with the ‘big’ school, meet new people and meet the teachers that they might be taught by one day.

A fantastic time was had by everyone and the children came back with smiles on their faces and freshly cooked muffins in their bags.




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Colin Jones

Class 12 Surf Day

On Thursday 17th of June 2021, Class 12 went surfing at the Global Boarders surf school based near Hayle, Cornwall. Class 12 went for the whole day and surfed from ~10:30 to ~14:30 with a small

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Amanda Aspden

Terrific Trevaskis

Class 1 had a lovely day at Trevaskis farm. We learnt some names of different fruits and vegetables including some of the more unusual ones such as kumquats, moolis and romanesco cauliflower and learnt how and

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Michael Pearson

Year 2 Explore Christianity and Islam

This term, Year 2 pupils have been learning about Islam and Christianity through their enquiry questions… Who is Muslim and how do they live? Why does Christmas matter to Christians? In order to learn from religious

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Michael Pearson

Sleeping with the Sharks

To top off a school year filled with adventure, excitement and challenge, Year 2 pupils embarked upon an incredible opportunity to ‘sleep with the sharks’ at Plymouth’s National Marine Aquarium. Following a joyous minibus journey up

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Amanda Aspden

The Bluff Beach

Class 1 and 2 had a great time at the Bluff Beach. We dug sandcastles, climbed some rocks and played in the sand. The life guards Charlie and Ben kindly spoke to the children about beach

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Emily Bodmer

Sticky Jam Sandwich Fun in Year 1

After reading ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich’  in our ‘Talk Through Stories’ session, Year 1 explored instruction writing whilst making jam sandwiches. They focused on sequencing, using time connectives and imperative verbs. Apart from watching their teachers

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Amanda Aspden

Heyl Crossfit

Class 1 spent a fun packed afternoon at the high energy Heyl Crossfit gym. We practised running, jumping, climbing, crawling, swinging, squats and balancing. “I liked the ropes, I liked to swing on it.” – Cassius

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Linda Ruffell

Year 3 – Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt As part of their history topic, year 3 started off learning about Ancient Egypt by turning some oranges into mummies! Just like real Ancient Egyptian embalmers we started off by taking out all of

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Amanda Aspden

Surf’s Up

The reception class spent a glorious summers day on the Bluff beach in Hayle. Ben taught us all about beach safety in the Surf Life Saving Club. We learnt where to swim and surf safely, what

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