Watch Me Grow

Class 1 have been enjoying planting lots of different plants and flowers to add a bit of greenery to our play ground.

Thanks to the generous donations from parents, Wyevale garden centre, Asda and B & M in Penzance, we have been able to plant herbs, flowers, shrubs and vegetables.

Plants need lots of sun and water to help them grow – Violet

Class 1 will be learning all about different plants this term. We have started to learn about the different needs of plants and how to look after them. We will learn about the structure and function of each part of the plant and how water travels around the plant. We will also learn to name different types of local wild flowers and some trees. Finally we will grow and try our own herbs and vegetables.

We have to look after plants because they are alive – Theo

We have so far planted garlic, onions, shallots, mint, basil and parsley. We will also plant delicious peas in the spring. The flowers we have planted are primroses, hyacinths, primlets and narcissus. We are going to plant some sunflowers and hopefully make a blackberry crumble if we have any blackberries to harvest from our hanging baskets by then, though we suspect they may be at their best during the summer holidays!

We planted mint and garlic. They need sun and water and soil to grow – Merryn

The sun makes energy for the flowers though the leaves – Henry


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Amanda Aspden

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