Robot Makers

For the last half term, Class 10 have been learning all about robots. They’ve looked at the developments of robots and even had a go at coding a Mars Rover Robot. At the beginning of the topic the class decided that they wanted to build their own robot. Class 10 spent a lot of time building electrical circuits and designing their robots. They have worked really hard and produced some brilliant models.

Also in the news:

Rebecca Best

Daya Visits Penpol School

Class 6 loved our workshop with Daya, in which we looked at the life of someone who follows the religion of Islam, including the Five Pillars of Islam, Islamic prayer practices and the role of a

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Michael Pearson

Local Beekeeper Creates a Buzz in Year 2!

On Tuesday 21st February, Year 2 were visited by Tamsin Harris, who has been a beekeeper since 1998 and currently keeps 109 hives in the local area. Tamsin has extensive knowledge and experience in the craft

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Nic Stanlake

Dance Fever hits Penpol!

Class 13 were the last in a long list of children to attend an introductory workshop at Hayle’s own Savvy Studios. Years 4, 5 and 6 have all had the opportunity to take part in two separate

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Nic Stanlake

South West Title for Super Gymnast

Penpol School now has an Under 11 South West Gymnastics champion amongst its sporting stars. She has, for many years now, been featuring on the Penpol times but this is her biggest accommodate to date. Travelling

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 hit the heights at The Tide

Our current Year 6 pupils had their activity week curtailed last year due to the pandemic but finally had the chance to don the harnesses and head to The Tide. Thanks must go to Mr Pollard

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Also in the news:

Jacob Woolcock

Internet Legends and Beyond with Year 6

As well as learning about being Internet Legends, our Year 6’s have taken their learning a step further by creating their own sixth section to the Be Internet Legends curriculum.  After some really in depth discussions

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Jacob Woolcock

Coding Underwater Adventure Games in Scratch

Our Year 5 students have been exploring Scratch this term and learning lots about coding along the way.  From small beginnings, the children have quickly developed a really exciting and creative understanding of just what’s possible

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Jacob Woolcock

Constructing Egyptian Pyramids in Minecraft

This half term we’ve been building Pyramids in Minecraft Edu in our Computing lessons.  Mr Woolcock and Paul have created a shared world where we were all able to work together and build pyramids for our

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Visit The Tate

Classes 1 and 2 had a great time visiting the Tate in St Ives last week as part of our Super Sculptures project. We have been learning about Barbara Hepworth and her sculptures in school with

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Mark Pollard

Designing Mars Rovers in Year 5

Last term, as part of our Space topic, the children were inspired by the landing of Perseverance on Mars and so created their own versions of a Mars rover, complete with a motor so that it

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