Penwith Schools Touch Rugby Tournament

On Thursday 25th April, Penpol School took two rugby teams to the Penwith Schools Touch Rugby Tournament at Hayle RFC. It was a fantastic tournament and both teams did themselves proud.

The two teams were split into two different pools where they played 3 matches. Depending on these results, all teams were then split down again into further competitions. Team B went into the Plate competition and Team A went into the Cup competition.


It was fast and furious with little time for breaks and matches came quickly one after the other. For some children, it was the first time playing in a rugby team and representing the school. Team B improved greatly over the competition and everybody in this team contributed fantastically.














Team A won all of their games until narrowly losing by one try in the semi-final. The team then played for third place which they won. Team A were presented with medals and have qualified for the Cornwall finals on Tuesday 21st May at Redruth RFC. We will be taking a larger squad of 12 for this tournament and hope to come back with further medals.


Thank you to all the parents and families for supporting us on the day. See you at the next one!

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