Artistic Adjectives

Just before half term we finished an exciting and creative project which involved creating artwork on our iPads.  We spent several lessons learning different techniques and building our drawing skills, which was put to good use in the final lesson where everyone created their own Artistic Adjective.

The goal was simple, pick an adjective and create a piece of Word Art which showed that word illustrated as if it were describing itself.  So ‘chilly’ had to look really cold, ‘sleepy’ had to look really tired and ‘boring’ had to look really, well, boring!

The children had great fun creating these pieces of art. Keep an eye out around the school for a big Word Art display popping up soon…

Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Dusty and Brownie Visit Class 1

Cora’s guinea pigs visited Class 1 today. They are really cute, they are the nbest pets in the world, I love cuddling them every time after school, Dusty is mine and I really love when Brownie

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Michael Pearson

Local Beekeeper Creates a Buzz in Year 2!

On Tuesday 21st February, Year 2 were visited by Tamsin Harris, who has been a beekeeper since 1998 and currently keeps 109 hives in the local area. Tamsin has extensive knowledge and experience in the craft

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Amanda Aspden

A Book and a Bagel

The reception classes had a lovely morning sharing stories with Mummy’s, Daddy’s and Granny’s. The children had chosen some books from the library the day before that they said they would like to read with their

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Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Barbara Hepworth Inspiration

The reception classes were thrilled to be joined by Steph and Helen, two local artists from the Tate Gallery in St.Ives. We learnt about who Barbara Hepworth was, what she created and the types of materials

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Jacob Woolcock

Behind the Scenes of Maths Mania in Scratch

Scratch is a great program that lets us build our own games, animations and tools.  Using brightly coloured blocks of code we can control individual objects (called Sprites) as well as being able to combine multiple

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Jacob Woolcock

Year 4 create their own Map of Africa

This half term our Year 4’s have been studying ‘Which Way to Africa?’ as their topic.  Part of this exciting learning has involved creating Digital Art on the iPads.   The children started learning all about

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Netball Fever

On Thursday 23 children made the relatively short walk to Hayle Academy to take part in a coaching clinic with 4 Year 10 pupils from Hayle; 3 of which were ex-Penpol pupils. The Year 6 pupils

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