Year 6 Enjoy Language and Communication Day at Hayle Academy

On Tuesday morning our year 6 children visited Hayle Academy; here they not only had the chance to explore languages from around the world but the opportunity to dive deeper into how languages are constructed before having a ghostwrited at creating their own language.

The second session consisted of constructing and writing letters to their favourite authors. These will then be posted off with the hope of getting a reply. So watch this space!

Also in the news:

Rebecca Best

Daya Visits Penpol School

Class 6 loved our workshop with Daya, in which we looked at the life of someone who follows the religion of Islam, including the Five Pillars of Islam, Islamic prayer practices and the role of a

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Elizabeth Nidds

Brilliant Balance Ability

Reception have been enjoying some great Balance Ability sessions since coming back after Easter. I like letting go when we’ve held the bikes and then we go very fast down the hill – Jude The children

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Jack Emery

Making Magic in Year 4!

To celebrate all of the fantastic learning which has been going on, Year 4 celebrated a Harry Potter ‘dress up’ day on Tuesday 26th March. The school playground was abuzz with spells and charms, the favourites

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Also in the news:

Jono Peck

Surf’s up with Y5/6 Surf Club

Surf’s up – During June and July, the Y5/6  went surfing with Hayle based surf school Shore Surf to learn to surf or improve surfing skills and also learn about key water safety messages and what

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Jacob Woolcock

Constructing Egyptian Pyramids in Minecraft

This half term we’ve been building Pyramids in Minecraft Edu in our Computing lessons.  Mr Woolcock and Paul have created a shared world where we were all able to work together and build pyramids for our

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Linda Ruffell

Year 3 – Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt As part of their history topic, year 3 started off learning about Ancient Egypt by turning some oranges into mummies! Just like real Ancient Egyptian embalmers we started off by taking out all of

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Nic Stanlake

Super Six Announcement

We have now proudly presented some of our pupils with Super Six status. Becoming a ‘Super Six’ is not simply about academic success but more so recognising excellent role models that demonstrate the shared values and ethos

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