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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Home Learning Challenges from Year 2 – Weeks 1 & 2

Hi Class 6 and Class 5, Mrs Ruffell and Mrs Daniel would like to share some  home learning photographs with you. Please email Mrs Ruffell or Mrs Daniel with  any home learning challenges completed, so that we can share them on the school web site.

Take care – Mrs Ruffell & Mrs Daniel

Online safety at home – copy and paste the link in to your browser.

Fun ways to exercise and keep fit! – Copy and paste the link in to your browser.


Emily, from Class 6 has been learning about punctuation.

Thank you Emily for sharing this weeks learning. You have been learning all about commas and apostrophes and created a fact file about how to look after a dog. I really love all the images you have used. I was so glad to see that you were able able to access the R.E plans, well done. Keep a look out for next weeks home learning challenges.

Verity, from Class 5 has been counting bees.

Thank you for sharing your home learning from this week Verity. I loved reading all of your facts about dogs and bees. Well done!


Lola, from Class 6 has been researching and collecting data

Well done Lola on researching and writing so many interesting facts about Cocker Spaniels. They really are a lovely breed of dog.  I was also very interested in your data collection. Well done on creating a Tally chart and then transfering the information, which you recoded, in to a Bar graph. Great home learning!



Alfie, from Class 5 has been researching facts.

Alfie has written a couple of fact sheets all about bumblebees and rats, you can read all about their very interesting toilet habits!




Oliver, from Class 5 has designed a poster.

Oliver has written a fantastic poster all about his dog Ted, he loves going to the beach.



Isaac from Class 5 has been writing poetry.

Wow! Isaac has written  a poem and designed a poster to try and gain his blue and green blue letter badges. Fantastic home learning Isaac, your poem is brilliant. Well done!



Faith, from Class 5 has been very creative.

Thank you so much Faith for sharing your great artistic and cheerful artwork with us. Well done!

Anya, from Class 6 has been using her mathematical skills, writing facts and learning about Easter.

Wow, well done Anya! I am glad to  see that you have been using your mathematical skills to solve several number problems and also sequencing numbers correctly. You have also drawn a lovely picture of bee and written some interesting facts. I also found it very  interesting reading all about guinea pigs, I never knew that they loved being cuddled and ate vegetables.




Anya, thank you for sharing the picture of your homemade flapjack, it looks delicious! Also what a great  bike ride you did this morning! Well done.


Bobby, from Class 6 has been learning all about bees.

Thank you Bobby for sharing all of your home learning about bees. I was so excited to see that you are already showing an interest in our summer topic.  I thought that your picture, of a cartoon bee, called Bob was fantastic and what a great name for a bee.  I also loved your bee finger puppet. Well done Bobby, great home learning.

Lily, from Class 6 has been writing stories and sentences.

Thank you so much Lily for sharing your learning with us. I can see that you have been busy learning your 2, 3, 5 and ten times tables and also writing stories and  silly sentences, which were all home learning tasks from week one . I was  also very impressed when I read your sentences  that contained the word of the week ‘Saunter’. Well done Lily! Great home learning.


Emily, from class 6 has been putting her mathematical skills to great use.

Wow! Emily, you have really been using your mathematical knowledge to solve so many number problems. You have been learning about direction, time, mass and comparing numbers. I really enjoyed reading your story and  I was so impressed with your handwriting. I also loved the picture of your penguin, which I will save and put on the classroom wall as soon as we return. Well done Emily, great home learning!



Verity, from Class 5 has been busy adapting stories.

Hello Verity!
It was lovely to read your super story today. I loved the way you story boarded it first, just as we do in school. The Princess and the Pea is one of my favourite traditional tales and I loved the way you made it your own by having dogs as the main characters! Do you remember when I read it in school?

Jowan, from Class 6 has been experimenting and keeping fit.

Thank you Jowan for sharing with us your photographs of you keeping fit and how you are  keeping your learning going by watching and then recording  a variety of scientific experiments. It was also lovely to see you sporting a brand new hair style, which looks great! Well done Jowan.



Ava, from Class 6 has been learning all about bees.

Ava has made a great start on the summer home learning challenges. She has been very busy researching for information about bees and recorded some interesting facts. She has also written a detailed story that was inspired by a picture and created her very own weather chart to record the temperature. Ava also used her mathematical knowledge to measure out a selection of ingredients to make her very own pasty. Well done Ava, great home learning.




Tilly, from class 6 has been recording the weather.

Tilly has been very creative by making her own rain gauge out of an empty plastic bottle. Apart from decorating the bottle, she has also drawn a scale in ml to record the amount of rain that falls. Tilly will also be busy recording the daily temperatures and recording the weather conditions on her weather diary, that goes up until the end of April. I look forward to seeing the final amount of rain fall recorded. Well done Tilly, you have definitely shown an interest in recording the weather!


Oliver, from Class 5 has been busy writing stories.

Hello Oliver!                                                                                                                                                                                 I was so pleased to receive your home learning today and read your story all about the Billy Goats Gruff. I can see that you created a storyboard first and then used this plan to write the story out in the correct order. Well done and thank you so much for sharing it with us.


Harry, from Class 6 has green fingers!

Harry has been busy learning all about seeds and what they need to grow in to healthy plants. He has also been researching for interesting facts about  bees and created a poster all about honey. Well done Harry, great home learning. Remember to let us know how your chilli seed grows,  perhaps you could keep a diary of its growth and share with us again?


Wow! Thank you Harry for telling us what we would need if we were to have a snake as a pet.


Lola, from Class 6 has been very busy writing, calculating  and baking .

Thank you Lola for sharing your home learning photographs with us. You have produced a draft copy of your story, edited your spelling and grammar mistakes and then written the story out again in your very best hand writing. You have also shown that you have given the characters a lot of thought by  drawing them in such detail.  It was also lovely to see that you have been calculating a variety of number facts and problems and then using measure to bake some delicious buns.  I am also very excited to see that you have already started to learn all about bees. Well done Lola, I am very proud of your home learning achievements!




Hugo, from Class 6 gets very creative.

Hugo has sent me some pictures, of his home learning challenges, that he would like to share. Not only has Hugo been busy practicing his letter formation and reading skills, he has also enjoyed creating and  completing many D&T activities and by reading and following instructions, made a delicious chocolate cake, which he knows is one of my favourite treats! I just wish I could have tried  a slice. Well done Hugo! I am very proud of your learning achievements.




Violet, from Class 5 has been planning and writing.

Violet has been very busy planning and writing stories of her own. In her writing she has ensured that she has used her best handwriting and included well structured sentences. Well done Violet, some super home learning! keep it up.

Well done! Some super work about bees Violet. Keep it going.



Poppy, from class 6 has been busy Home Learning.

Poppy has been very busy learning her two and tens times tables and then,  after comparing measures, made some very tasty buns. she also created a storyboard for her own story, ‘The Three Fairies’, which she then wrote out in her best handwriting. Well done Poppy! Great home learning.


Well done Poppy, you have researched and written out some great bee facts. Great home learning again!