Home Learning Challenges – Year 1 – Week 6 & 7

Week commencing – 11.05.2020

Hi Year 1,
We are missing you very much but know that your adults are doing a super job of looking after you and teaching you.
We hope you’re enjoying the home-learning tasks as much as we are enjoying receiving the photo’s and videos?!
Please do send any photo’s through if you have the time. Remember we love seeing you playing as well as learning!
Miss Whear and Mrs Sukstiene


New -PE and Outdoor Learning at Home

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCStjKlMICO-Em7zMJoHR3A (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)


New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser

: https://www.sas.org.uk/digital-ocean-school


Luke, from Class 4

Luke has had a fab time enjoying the sunshine this week. He has been playing in his pool, been bodyboarding at the beach and has been doing some great fraction work too! He has also been bug hunting in his garden and creating a super bar chart to show all the different kinds of insects that he has found. Great work, Luke!



Joseph, from Class 4 

Joseph has been writing letters to his friends (and Mrs Sukstiene!). Look at that gorgeous handwriting!

Elliott, from Class 3

Elliott has been busy learning about fractions, positional language and punctuation recently! Well done Elliott!

Ezra, from Class 4

Ezra has had a super week learning all about mental health awareness. He’s been really busy learning about things that make us feel happy and has decided that being outside and exploring helps him to feel positive. Ezra’s family are having a ‘Feel Good Friday’ party today too, it sounds a lot of fun!

Carys, from Class 4

Carys made a super punctuation poster for our English home learning this week. She chose to tell us all about using a question mark. Well done Carys!

Arlo, from Class 3

Arlo’s chose the question mark for his punctuation poster this week and enjoyed completing it with his dad!

Miles, from Class 3

Miles loved tricky word bingo yesterday , he’s asked to play again today!

Florence, from Class 4

Florence has been staying active and getting outdoors a lot during the school closures. She has visited the beach, built dens and was even lucky enough to have a treehouse built by her very clever Dad! Florence has also been a great big sister, playing lots with Agatha. It looks like so much fun!

Rosie, from Class 4

Rosie has had a lovely time practising her dancing, going out on her scooter and having a little pamper with a face mask. It looks like fun!

Olivia, from Class 3

Olivia has been loving exploring number bonds, money and tally charts in maths! She’s also made an incredible plants information poster and been practising her days of the week!


Harley, from Class 3

Harley’s been a busy busy these last couple of weeks. Take a look at his super learning!

James, from Class 3

James has enjoyed studying the weather this week. He has drawn some pictures of the weather and has also been doing some maths sums by filling in the missing numbers.
James climbed Trencom Hill and he felt like he was on top of the world!


Keira, from Class 3

Keira has made a pattern with fruit and vegetables printing.

Harrison, from Class 3

Harrison used the computer to learn about halves and quarters and created a super weather report from last week-

Harrison walked up to Trencrom and loved climbing and jumping around on the big rocks. Harrison and his brother found little caves and spotted St Michaels amount, Penzance, St Ives, Godrevy lighthouse, Hayle and the estuary.

Isla F from Class 3

Isla F has enjoyed recording the weather, and making a wind vane to see which direction that cold wind was blowing in from, earlier in the week. She’s also baked some tasty vegan banana muffins!

Ebon, from Class 3

Ebon has been busy learning his timetables, making flags on VE day and riding his new bike which he was so happy to get riding when his cast came off!

Arlo, from Class 3

Arlo is feeling very proud of his weather report this week… and so he should be – it’s fantastic!

Thomas, from Class 3

Thomas has been enjoying lots of walking and running on the beach the last few days and exploring St George’s Walk looking at the fish and flowers. He has really enjoyed keeping a weather record and drawing lots of happy sunshines.
He has been very good with his reading, phonics and maths. Thomas has also been looking after his sunflower which is growing really fast.

Harrison, from Class 3

Harrison baked flapjack with me today to send to his great grandad for his birthday and he made a wonderful birthday card, drawing the picture and doing all the writing inside. He also planted 4 types of flowers and 4 types of herbs.

Miles, from Class 3

Miles has completed his weather diary and the challenge I set him to think of adjectives and adverbs to describe the weather! He then used them in a weather poem! Well done Miles!  He’s also been adding to his story each day.

Toran, from Class 3

Toran’s been working really hard on his home-learning!    Super addition 🙂


Toran exploring rhyming words!

Arlo, from Class 3

Arlo enjoying dressing up time as Stanley Hulk!

Miles, from Class 3

This morning miles watcher weather videos on you tube and made a weather poster.

Elliott, from Class 3

Elliott has been doing so well practising the DFE online phonics screening past papers! Well done Elliott. He’s also loved exploring money and plants!

Toran, from Class 3

Toran used paint for his pointillism flower and loved exploring money!

Geoffrey, from Class 4

Geoffrey has been learning lots at home this week. He has been exploring the different parts of a plant, practising his handwriting and working on his maths. Super work, Geoffrey – well done!

Ezra, from Class 4

Ezra had a fantastic day celebrating VE Day. He had an indoor street party with his family where they made medals, ration books and danced to music from the 1940s. It looks like so much fun! Great work Ezra, I can’t wait to hear all about it!


Isla, from Class 3

Isla F had a fun week doing coin and leaf rubbings, practising her phonics and writing her short story about a mermaid, called Isla.

James, from Class 3

James is enjoying the weekly challenges – this week he raided his piggy bank to find out about money and to do some coin rubbings. He also explored the different parts of a plant and did some sums in the sand on the beach.

Matteo, from Class 4

Matteo has been learning lots about plants and growing this week. He has practised his English and Maths and also built a boat from recycling. Great work, Matteo!

Harrison, from Class 3

Harrison learning how to use the suffix -ing and learning the value of money by doing some coin rubbings! Well done.


Miles, from Class 3

Miles loved testing out the rockets and writing the experiment up, he said that ‘the big one went the furthest , the little one went round in circles’. He also celebrated VE Day and helped to make mini toad in the holes and bunting!
For their family themed day, they had Chinese day! Miles didn’t think much of Hong-Kong style egg tarts for breakfast but he did like noddles and apple fritters!





Also in the news:

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Magic on the Mount

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Elizabeth Nidds

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Reception have been enjoying some great Balance Ability sessions since coming back after Easter. I like letting go when we’ve held the bikes and then we go very fast down the hill – Jude The children

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Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Bright Lights and Big City Sights

This last week 44 of our Year 6 pupils boarded the coach and headed off on our big city adventure. An early 7 am departure began the 4 day-long residential trip to our nations capital; for

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Jack Emery

Riotous Romans Invade Penpol!

Today, Year 4 got a true taste of Roman army life, with Marcus Quintonius, a high ranking legionnaire, visiting Penpol Year 4 children for the day.  Focussing on the Roman invasion of Britannia, students came into

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Chris Chislett

Gorsedh Kernow at Penpol School

As a part of the Gorsedh Kernow celebrations, we were joined by Go Cornish’s Will Coleman during the summer holidays to help us get to grips with the Cornish language. Children, parents and visitors alike had

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