Reception Home Learning

Hi Class 1 and Class 2, we’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent us some pictures of your home  learning. We wanted to share some of  the brilliant things you have been up to over the past few weeks. We’ll keep updating this page throughout the week with this week’s learning so keep sending the pictures in.

We both hope that you are all well and enjoying the learning challenges that we are setting.

Take care and see you soon

Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden


Lexi – Class 1

Lexi has been doing some great learning all about shapes, shadows and patterns. She’s drawn and labelled 2D shapes, been on a shape hunt around her house and created her own patterns using lego. Great work Lexi!



Everly – Class 2

Everly has been busy practising her phonics with her big sister as well as practising reading words independently. We loved seeing you making a boat with your family too as part of one of our challenges. Well done Everly!

Edwyn – Class 1

Edwyn has done some great learning in maths. He has been practising his addition with double digit numbers as well as building a tower taller than he is. He’s done some brilliant writing and he’s  also baked some delicious Millionaires’ Shortbread with his family – they look delicious Edwyn!

Alex – Class 2

Alex has been very busy with his home learning. He’s been practising his phonics sounds, learning about shadows and created a fruit face. He also went on a colour hunt around his house looking for blue items and estimated how many he would find. Great job Alex!

Charice – Class 1

Charice has been working hard with her letter formation and shape drawing as well as enjoying some colouring in and designing her own t-shirt!


Freya – Class 2

Freya has been doing some great investigating all about floating and sinking at home. She’s also been on a hunt to find everything pink in her house and ordered these by size, as well as doing some baking. Well done Freya, great learning!


Koby – Class 1

Koby enjoyed creating his fruit and veg face and very carefully prepared the ingredients for it. He has also been learning all about shadows on the beach and made a ‘sparkly magic potion’ using items from the garden. Well done Koby!

Alayah – Class 2

Alayah has done some brilliant learning about patterns, shadows and animals over the past few weeks. She also created her own musical instruments and played them along to music.


Luna – Class 1

Well done Luna on some great learning over the past few weeks. Luna has been practising her reading and writing, as well as creating a lovely picture of her family and going on a pink colour scavenger hunt!

Izzy – Class 2

Izzy has made a great guitar out of recycling, as well as a fruit and veg face. She also explored how shadows move by drawing around her toys in the garden.

Maverick – Class 1

Maverick has been very busy with his home learning. He’s been learning about shadows, made musical instruments using spaghetti and has practised his writing and numbers. Great work Maverick!


Evie – Class 2

Evie has been busy practising her writing, doing some baking and making a fairy door. Well done Evie – those brownies look delicious!


Phoebe – Class 1

Phoebe has been doing some brilliant learning all about patterns this week, as well as enjoy doing some painting and finding how many different places she could read her book in. Well done Phoebe!

Isla – Class 1

Isla has also had a busy week and has been practising writing words using magnetic letters, finding different shapes around the house and making vegetable faces with her sister. Looks great Isla!


Well done everyone on your great learning! Keep the pictures coming and we’ll post more in the next few weeks.


Miss Nidds and Miss Aspden

Also in the news:

Rebecca Best

Proud to be Penpol

Many children grow up wondering where they fit in the world. This is especially the case for those subjected to misunderstanding or prejudice because of who they are. During our Free To Be Me day, the children of

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Christina Sukstiene

Penpol’s Sponsored Mile for Ukraine

Over the past few weeks, Penpol have been raising money for ShelterBox – a charity that are providing emergency shelter and resources to families who have lost their homes during the current war happening in Ukraine.

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Amanda Aspden

Dusty and Brownie Visit Class 1

Cora’s guinea pigs visited Class 1 today. They are really cute, they are the nbest pets in the world, I love cuddling them every time after school, Dusty is mine and I really love when Brownie

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Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Police Visit

The reception classes had a great time when Police Officer Mike visited us today. He brought loads of equipment which we tried on and found out all about the different roles that the police do, including

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Jono Peck

London’s Calling 2023

On the 22nd May 2023, many of the Y6 travelled to London for 3 days of sightseeing, visiting attractions and the many things our nations capital has on offer. With a jam packed itinerary planned, we

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Rebecca Best

Daya Visits Penpol School

Class 6 loved our workshop with Daya, in which we looked at the life of someone who follows the religion of Islam, including the Five Pillars of Islam, Islamic prayer practices and the role of a

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Jono Peck

Surf’s up with Y5/6 Surf Club

Surf’s up – During June and July, the Y5/6 went surfing with Hayle based surf school Shore Surf to learn to surf or improve surfing skills and also learn about key water safety messages and what

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