Home Learning Challenges – Year 1 – week 8, 9 & 10

Hi Year 1,
We are missing you very much but know that your adults are doing a super job of looking after you and teaching you.
We hope you’re enjoying the home-learning tasks as much as we are enjoying receiving the photo’s and videos?!
Please do send any photo’s through if you have the time. Remember we love seeing you playing as well as learning!
Miss Whear and Mrs Sukstien

New Link -08.06.20

https://www.leachpottery.com/design-a-pot-for-sharing-schools-challenge (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)

New Link

https://rnli.org/youth-education/water-safety-from-home (Copy and paste the link in to your browser)

New -PE and Outdoor Learning at Home

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCStjKlMICO-Em7zMJoHR3A (Copy & Paste the link in to your browser)


New – Digital Ocean – Surfers against Sewage – Copy and paste the link in to your browser

: https://www.sas.org.uk/digital-ocean-school


Keira, from Class 3

Keira has had a maths focus this week and has ben busy securing number bonds, halves and doubles! Well done Keira!

Molly, from Class 3

What a superb sunflower fact file from Molly!

Isla, from Class 3

Isla F enjoyed writing a sunflower fact file! It’s super!

Thomas, from Class 3

Thomas has been learning to play football with his daddy and practicing throwing the ball into hoops. He has also enjoyed finger painting and loved learning lots of funky facts from the “Go Jetters”, especially the bullet train in Japan!

Merryn, from Class 4

Merryn loves seeing her pictures on the school website so here is a little snapshot of what she has been doing this week.
Lots of art and decorating her bedroom. Picnic and bike riding in the park and some lovely fact finding about sunflowers and learning about graphs.
She also choreographed a ballet show for the party she wants to have when the nasty cold virus has gone 😆

Miles, from Class 3

Miles independently made this poster!! Wow!

Keira, from Class 3

Keira has been practising alternative ways of numbers within 10.

Harrison, from Class 3

Harrison has been learning halves and quarters with play dough pizza! He also used his rainbow number bonds, from a few weeks ago, to help him solve online maths – great idea! Harrison also enjoyed thinking about the funny things that have happened during the  lockdown – they have mainly been about his baby brother Jude 🙂

Ebon, from Class 3

Ebon loved doing a lava lamp experiment, measuring out and watching the bubbles! He also had a lovely afternoon picking strawberries at Trevaskis Farm and a trip to the woods in an amazing den!

Miles, from Class 3

Miles enjoyed the White Rose learning this week and enjoying threading his 2 times table! Great handwriting and dictation practise using a Mr Tumble song!

Isla, from Class 3

Isla has been working super hard on using neat handwriting and securing her set 2 and 3 phonics … she’s doing brilliantly!

Rosie, from Class 4

Rosie has been busy practising her reading and Mathletics. She also made some delicious chocolate orange fudge – Amazing!

Isabella, from Class 4

Isabella has been very creative, making an underwater scene and also learning to weave! Great work, Isabella!

Elliott, from Class 3

Elliott’s been loving his online learning this week!

Lowenna, from Class 3

Lowenna loved watching ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ as it’s one of her favourites. She did some super writing about what she packed in her bag! What a creative plant monster she made!  Lowenna also got a new Kitten 🙂


Arthur, from Class 3

I was lucky enough to bump into Arthur today, who was collecting leaves and other natural resources to create a dragon! Look how beautiful it is! He had loads of fun exploring different shapes, colours and textures.

Thomas, from Class 3

Thomas has had another lovely week baking cakes with his daddy, playing lots with his trains,  doing writing, reading, maths and phonics  and watching “We are going on a Bear Hunt”. He decided that if he went on a bear hunt he would take Thomas the Tank Engine and some juice in his bag. Great choices! 😊

Isla, from Class 3

Isla had good fun tasting different ingredients and was brilliant in trying really hard at writing her sentences, using the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘because.’ She is working so hard on her neat handwriting!

Luke, from Class 4

Luke has had a brilliant time learning lots of new skills. He went to the beach and learnt how to snorkel! He also met up with Jowan to go fishing and caught a pollack. It looks like a lot of fun, well done Luke!

Merryn, from Class 4

Merryn has been doing lots of great work this week! She enjoyed doing her ‘do all insects have wings’ experiment, doing education City, telling the time, taste experiments with describing words, fractions, bear hunt challenge and craft work. She has been doing ‘draw with Rob’ and we were really impressed with her attempt at the pug dog!

Jowan, from Class 4

Jowan and his big sister, Mia celebrated World Ocean Day by carrying out a beach clean. Great job guys!


Keira, from Class 3

Thank you Keira for sharing some more of your home learning. You have written a detailed description of an insect and also listed some very good  items that you would take on a picnic. Well done!

Keira, from Class 3

Keira loved the Bear Hunt and became an intrepid explorer in her garden! After working on her number bonds to 20, she embarked on a bug hunt and made natural paintbrushes to paint a picture. Keira chose to do the tree in nonsense land from the Mr Silly book. What a fab idea!

Toran, from Class 3

Super use of commas  in your list writing Toran and well done for both explaining halves and quarters and finding them!

Miles, from Class 3

Miles really enjoyed the Micheal Rosen video today and enjoyed copying his expressions!
Super list writing Miles – great use of commas!

Miles, from Class 3

Today Miles took part in ocean day activities with his brother Corey – Miles enjoyed this as they got to do an experiment!

Elliott, from Class 3

Elliott has been a superstar helping his brother with his learning and has created an amazing plant monster!
Well done Elliott!

Harrison, from Class 3

Harrison flew his kite and talked about what the weather needs to be like to do this!!! He also enjoyed answering the questions to Monday’s challenge.

Arlo, from Class 3

Arlo is busy drawing a picture of a whale for World Ocean Day. Well done!

Toran, from Class 3

Toran had an excellent time creating a bug paradise (hotel) to explore the experiment ‘Do all insects have wings?’. It looks like his prediction was right! Well done!

Miles, from Class 3

Another busy week for Miles!  Lovely to see him playing the learning games with his brother. What a great plant monster! Miles has enjoyed looking at number bonds to 20 this week and counting in 2s.

Thomas, from Class 4

Thomas has worked really hard practicing his handwriting and his phonics – isn’t his writing lovely and neat?! He also enjoyed the pairing game and creating a plant monster from flowers.

Carys, from Class 4

Here is Carys carrying out this weeks home learning.  She has had great fun! Carys loves anything to do with bugs and insects!

Molly, from Class 3

Molly has been very much enjoying the Red Word Bingo game. She also found some tadpoles in her pond so has put them in a smaller tank to watch.


Molly, from Class 3

Molly has been enjoying playing dress-up and has been creating a story character with great descriptions!

Harley, from Class 3

Harley has been making a project about Cornwall… what super research facts!

Isabella, from Class 4

This week, Year 1 are exploring the question “Do all insects have wings?” Isabella has made a great start on her experiment, making lots of notes of how she can collect her data and what she might need to use. Great work, Isabella!

Merryn, from Class 4

Merryn was very busy over the half term break enjoying the sunshine! She spent lots of time at the beach and outdoors, has been working on Times Tables Rockstars and creating lots of gorgeous pictures with her new felt-tip pens. Well done Merryn!

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