Fun At The Beach with Class 2

Class 2 had lots of fun visiting Marazion last Thursday. The children were very excited for their first trip in the minibus and to visit the beach and marshes down at Marazion.

Upon arriving at Marazion, we enjoyed visiting the park before making our way down to the beach.

Once we reached the beach, we split ourselves into two groups ready for one group to play some beach games and another to visit Marazion Marshes.

We went across the bridge. I took binoculars and we went past flowers – Bobby


Children on the beach enjoyed creating a portrait of themselves using what they could find on the sand. There are some great creations as you can see below! The children also had lots of fun building sandcastles, digging holes and burying their legs in the sand!

I liked digging holes and I liked playing with the rocks and I really liked going in the sea! – Jude

We also enjoyed dipping our toes in the water!

It was cold! I splashed the water with my feet – Erin


Meanwhile the group visiting the Marshes enjoyed taking part in a scavenger hunt and using their senses to explore what they could find.  The children were set a special challenge by Mrs Allen to remember the name of the flower ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’ that we spotted on the marshes.

I liked looking through the binoculars. I saw some birds and some flowers – Vera

Once all children had visited the marshes and the beach, it was time for lunch and an ice lolly to cool down!

Then after a few more games, it was time to climb back on board the minibus for our journey back to Penpol with shoes full of sand and a great time had by all! We are looking forward to our next trip later on in the term!


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