Super Savvy

Class 1 had an incredible fun packed morning with the super savvy team in Hayle.

We practised our ballet moves with Clare and pretended to be cheeky pixies picking a lovely juicy apple from a tree then running away.

We had to lie on our tummies and I had to touch my hair with my feet. We had to take a apple from the farmers tree and run away – Darcey

It was so fun, we did exercises and dancing – Ashton

We danced the morning away with wings, wands and scarves to some beautiful ballet tunes.

Upstairs in the second studio we practised our street dancing to some upbeat dance tunes.

Clare and Ben were wonderful with the children as ever. There were smiles all round as the children pirouetted, twirled, stretched, skipped, jumped and practised different positions for their feet, legs arms and bodies.

We had to put our legs out straight. We have to point our feet up and down and had to creep and try to get the apple and we have to spin our scarves around. Then we had to walk side to side -Elsie

The children were really lucky to be given a ticket for another free trail class. Class 1 would like say a massive thank you to Clare, Aidan and Ben more making our morning so much fun and teaching us some great moves.

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