Exploring at Tehidy Woods

Class 1 had a great time in Tehidy woods.

As part of our 360 curriculum, we are took the learning outside the classroom and experienced our local environment.

We builded dens for us for next time we go to the woods, with sticks, big ones and little ones. We did potions and we put leaves on a stick 5 leaves – Maya

Tehidy woods was the venue of our a scavenger hunt. We foraged, observed and hunted for treasures.

We collected some sticks and leaves to take back to class to make some leaf pictures and prints.

We made dens and made potions in the woods, me and Maya were witches and we were going to turn any bad monsters into frogs – Flo

The leaves called off the trees because its Autumn. We found leaves and sticks and we lifted up trees and we made dens for the fairies and the lion king – Maia

We built dens, made a birds nest sculpture and a fairy home using the things we find.

Finally we had a go on the rope swing.

There are squirrels in the woods and woodlice and beetles and foxes but I’ve never seen a fox. Reggie needed help lifting logs up so I asked other people to help him. I found a sweet chestnut- Jack

A great time was had by all in the terrific Tehidy woods.

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