Class 9’s Lost Words

This week, Year 4  immersed themselves in The Lost Words, a book of poems and illustrations inspired by the rich wonders of British wildlife. Each lost word is saved through speaking or singing a spell to conjure back these creatures into our hearts. 

Inspired this book of spells, pupils wrote their own poems to express their adoration for the humble plants and animals of their local environment.

Dandelions, daisies, mushrooms and moss; robins, magpies, seagulls and sunflowers; herons, holly, willow and oak. 

Children created beautiful watercolour paintings of their lost words, upon which they wrote their acrostic poems.  

Pupils demonstrated some spell-bounding performances around the school grounds, conjuring creatures and plants with their wonderful poems and songs.

“Enter the wild with care, my love

And speak the things you see

Let new names take and root and thrive and grow” 

The Lost Words Blessing


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Jacob Woolcock

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