Surf’s Up

The reception class spent a glorious summers day on the Bluff beach in Hayle.

Ben taught us all about beach safety in the Surf Life Saving Club. We learnt where to swim and surf safely, what the different coloured flags mean, what to do if we find ourselves in trouble in the sea and what kit the lifeguards have to help them do their job.

We went to the lifeguard hut next to catch up with some lifeguards on duty. They showed us some of their kit and told us some interesting stories about rescues they’ve had to do this summer.

We were also really lucky and excited to sit on the lifeguards jet ski and quad bike.

After lunch and more suncream, we played a few beach games then the surf was up.

The conditions were perfect and the children loved surfing. Lots of waves were caught. We had a few attempts at standing up and a couple of wipe outs.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Ben and the lifeguards for giving us such a fun day out at the beach.


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