A Giant Adventure for Year 2!

On Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th October, Year 2 enjoyed two truly incredible trips to St Michael’s Mount as part of this term’s topic, ‘Who’s the King of the Castle?’ 

They were lucky enough to travel by boat from Marazion beach across to the Mount, which made the journey that bit more magical. Upon arrival, pupils were fascinated to stand in the footprint casts of royalty, including the late Queen Elizabeth II. 

On the short but steep hike up the Mount, pupils discovered both the Giant’s Well and the Giant’s Heart. They particularly enjoyed looking out from the battlements and imagining defending the castle with canons! 

Various tour guides supported their learning about the historic castle, as pupils undertook a treasure quest and discovered fascinating artefacts throughout the building – including the story of a 7ft giant, whose skeleton was discovered in one of the chambers!  The children were absolutely immersed in the history of the castle and applied all of their wonderful learning about castles from topic lessons this term.  

After lunch, pupils enjoyed a leisurely walk back to the mainland along the cobblestone causeway. The day was topped off with some fantastic sand castle building – with a spectacular view of St Michael’s Mount in the background for inspiration. 

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Jacob Woolcock

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