South West Title for Super Gymnast

Penpol School now has an Under 11 South West Gymnastics champion amongst its sporting stars. She has, for many years now, been featuring on the Penpol times but this is her biggest accommodate to date.

Travelling all the way to the Welsh Institute of Sport, she undertook 4 individual events which culminated in an overall 1st place. This wonderful young lady placed first in the uneven bars, which is her favourite event. 1st place in the beam (which is only 1o cm wide!!) and 3rd place in both the floor and vault.

This remarkable young lady shows a great commitment to her sport by training up to 16 hours a week at Penryn Gymnastic Club! Keep it up, the hard work is certainly paying off!

Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Year 6 hit the heights at The Tide

Our current Year 6 pupils had their activity week curtailed last year due to the pandemic but finally had the chance to don the harnesses and head to The Tide. Thanks must go to Mr Pollard

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Year 3 outside Geevor Tin Mine
Christina Sukstiene

Year 3’s Tin Mine Travels

This half term (25.02.2023), Classes 7 and 8 went on an exciting trip to Geevor Tin Mine as part of their topic for this term – ‘Minecraft’! We arrived in the morning and put our hard

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Jack Emery

Year 4’s Remarkable Remote Learning!

These past few weeks, Year 4 have taking amazingly well to the activities set for remote learning. Their perseverance and creativity has been awe-inspiring and it’s been wonderful to see the exceptional work being shared on

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Visit The Tate

Classes 1 and 2 had a great time visiting the Tate in St Ives last week as part of our Super Sculptures project. We have been learning about Barbara Hepworth and her sculptures in school with

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Also in the news:

Jack Emery

Riotous Romans Invade Penpol!

Today, Year 4 got a true taste of Roman army life, with Marcus Quintonius, a high ranking legionnaire, visiting Penpol Year 4 children for the day.  Focussing on the Roman invasion of Britannia, students came into

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Jacob Woolcock

Kids Invent Stuff visit Penpol School

Last week Penpol had a very exciting visit from Ruth and Shawn – otherwise known as Kids Invent Stuff – to talk about all things engineering, inventing and creating! The day started with the whole school

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