Barbara Hepworth Inspiration

The reception classes were thrilled to be joined by Steph and Helen, two local artists from the Tate Gallery in St.Ives.

We learnt about who Barbara Hepworth was, what she created and the types of materials she used to create her masterpieces.

You can make sculptures out of glass, pottery, wood and metal – Ruby

We investigated some of the structures she created and even handled some of the tools she used from her art studio.

Next we explored some of the shapes that she made and had a go at creating our own sculptures using 2D and 3D shapes. We discussed the different properties the shapes had and tried to find some examples of shiny, smooth and rough shapes, some with holes and some with many sides.

We experimented with torches to create some shadows. We drew around the shadows to create some interesting art work.

I made sculptures like Baraba Hepworth. They showed us how to make towers out of triangles and squares – Felix

Finally we had a go at making our own Barbara Hepworth inspired models from clay. The children designed, moulded and shaped to make their lovely sculptures.

I made a sculpture. I made it look like a ring. I made a whole in it like Barbara Hepworth – Cameron

Class 1 and 2 would like to thank Steph and Helen for helping us to create our own masterpieces.


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