🎃 BBC Spotlight: “Students Race Across the World with LEGO”

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Today we were joined by BBC Spotlight, who came to visit us at Penpol to learn about our Food Waste project and how we’re fundraising to get to America.  They interviewed us and filmed lots of clips of our Robot in action.

The program aired on TV and we received lots and lots of donations from people in Cornwall though our GoFundMe page straight afterwards – thank you everyone!

More from the Penpol Pumpkins Blog:

Today at Apple Session

This morning we’ve been at the Apple Store on Boylston street, working with Mike and Terrance from Apple to create our own ‘Snoopy in Space’ themed animations in the Procreate app.

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Robot Games 3, 4 & 5

After a bumpy start yesterday, the Robot Games team came back fighting today and managed to greatly improve on their scores. In the first two matches they achieved 215 points each and in the final match they reached 195. We didn’t get to our ‘perfect’

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Langage Farm Biodigester Video

A couple of weeks ago the Pumpkins visited Langage Farm biodigester to learn what happens to food waste once it’s collected.  They filmed this short video explaining how important it is not to let food waste go to landfill.  Please excuse the sound quality, it

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