🎃 Meeting with Watson Marlow

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Today we got to meet three of the team from Watson Marlow, our gold sponsor for this competition.  Jo, Danny and John came over from their head office in Falmouth to watch our presentation and learn all about the team.  Jenna and Ada shared how they want to work in engineering and teaching in the future, Caio shared some incredible invention ideas that he’s been working on and the whole team shared their energy and passion for their projects and for the competition.

Danny works between the Falmouth office and their Massachusetts team so she was able to share a lot of helpful information about Boston which helped prepare us for the trip ahead.  We also enjoyed learning all about Watson Marlow as a company and learnt that their pumps are used in almost everything – from McDonalds milkshake machines to large industrial factories.

A HUGE thank you Watson Marlow for all of their support!

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