🎃 We’re off!

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Today we’ve learnt that there is actually a 4 o’clock in the morning, as well as the afternoon! Despite the early start we’re on the coach and officially on our way to AMERICA!!

Time for a snooze… 😴

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Pumpkin Vlog: Day 4

Today we had ups and we had downs, new friends and new challenges.  We wowed the presentation judges and laughed with teams from around the world at the team party carnival.  Here’s our video diary of the day, as told by the Pumpkins.

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Visit to Langage Farm BioDigester

Today was very exciting – a trip to Langage Farm (just outside of Plymouth) to meet Ewen McClelland for a guided tour of their Food Waste Recycling facility.  We learnt where the food waste comes from and saw it’s journey from being unloaded from the

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