🎃 Pumpkin Vlog: Day 1

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Here’s a short vlog sharing what we’ve been up to on day 1 of this American Adventure, as told by the Pumpkins!

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Picnic Stop

Nearly back to Cornwall, but making a quick detour for a picnic at Exeter Services. We’ve all managed a bit of a sleep on the coach too.

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Making New Friends ✅

We’ve only been here two hours and already the Pumpkins have been dancing with the Brazilian team, Reading badges with a team from Greece, getting Robot Games tips from the “home” team and posing for photographs with all their new friends. Below we have the

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Welcome Home Penpol Pumpkins!

We’ve made it safely back to Penpol School! I’m sure in the days to come the children will be eager to share some reflections and memories of the last week, but for now we all need a good nights sleep and a bit of a

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