🎃 Waking up in America

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

After a breakfast of ‘Lucky Charms’, toast and fruit the Pumpkins have been spending some time updating their diaries with their highlights of yesterday.

“The diaries are good because when we look back on them in five or ten years we can think ‘oh, this is what we did on this day’ instead of just completely forgetting everything when we get back.” – Piran

Today we’re off to visit the LEGO Discover Center for a team building morning, followed by a tour of a very famous sporting ground this afternoon…  Keep your eyes on the blog to follow our adventures!

“My favourite thing yesterday was learning our first secret activity  – visiting the LEGO Discover Center today!  I’ve always wanted to go to one but they’re mostly all in America.” – Ethan

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Goodbye Boston!

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Team Carnival Night

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