🎃 Time to get Competition Ready

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

After a hearty breakfast and some sing-a-long Pokémon lullabies on the tv (don’t ask!) we are finally headed to the competition itself in Worcester.

Today is a chance to set up our Pit Area, practice the Robot Games and meet all the other teams. It’s also a chance for the staff to unveil their own special “Honorary Pumpkin” t-shirts!

More from the Penpol Pumpkins Blog:

Team Carnival Night

Tonight all the teams taking part were treated to a carnival party at WPI to celebrate their achievements and to make new friends. The Pumpkins enjoyed the rides and attractions, the food and drinks and socialised with children from all around the world. Everywhere you

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Meeting with Watson Marlow

Today we got to meet three of the team from Watson Marlow, our gold sponsor for this competition.  Jo, Danny and John came over from their head office in Falmouth to watch our presentation and learn all about the team.  Jenna and Ada shared how

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Waking up in America

After a breakfast of ‘Lucky Charms’, toast and fruit the Pumpkins have been spending some time updating their diaries with their highlights of yesterday. “The diaries are good because when we look back on them in five or ten years we can think ‘oh, this

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