🎃 Goodbye Boston!

Posted 1 year ago by the Penpol Pumpkins

Well, after a fun but busy week it’s time to get these Pumpkins back home. It’s an overnight flight (hopefully a chance for a nap!) and when we wake up we’ll be back in England. See you all soon!

More from the Penpol Pumpkins Blog:

Live Stream Details

If you’d like to follow the Pumpkins today the event will be live streamed through Twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/wpirobotics Here are some key timings of when the Pumpkins will be in action on Saturday 10th June: Opening Ceremony: 🇺🇸 10am / 🇬🇧 3pm Robot Games Round 1:

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The Penpol Pumpkins in Cartoon Form

A huge thanks to local artist Ann Force who has created the cartoon version of the Pumpkins which you can see at the top of this blog.  As a special treat at Pumpkin Fest, the Pumpkins were all presented with their own copy of this fantastic

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Picnic Stop

Nearly back to Cornwall, but making a quick detour for a picnic at Exeter Services. We’ve all managed a bit of a sleep on the coach too.

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