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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Making New Friends ✅

We’ve only been here two hours and already the Pumpkins have been dancing with the Brazilian team, Reading badges with a team from Greece, getting Robot Games tips from the “home” team and posing for photographs with all their new friends.

Below we have the Goofy Gyros from Massachusetts, Panther Power from New Jersey, Wild Cat Coders from California, Team Bob from Greece and Say What?!? from Alabama.

Time to get Competition Ready

After a hearty breakfast and some sing-a-long Pokémon lullabies on the tv (don’t ask!) we are finally headed to the competition itself in Worcester.

Today is a chance to set up our Pit Area, practice the Robot Games and meet all the other teams. It’s also a chance for the staff to unveil their own special “Honorary Pumpkin” t-shirts!

Year 5 visited by The Beach Guardians

Yesterday our 2 Year 5 classes had some very special visitors. We were joined by the Beach Guardians. Beach Guardian is a community interest company that aim to ‘engage, educate and empower against plastic pollution. Based in Cornwall they perform regular beach cleans and conduct educational work shops and we were lucky to have them bring their workshop to Penpol School.

During the work shop the children had chance to sift through the sand and take a look at many of the plastics which had previously been collected from the beach. They also had chance to look at some of these micro-plastics under the microscope as well as design a poster to encourage people to do what’s right and take their litter home with them.

We also discussed the impact of physical geography as well as the human impact and discussed how currents can take plastic waster all over the globe. They shared with us a bottle that was produced and  Malaysia which washed up at Perranporth.

The aim of the session was to motivate the pupils to continue ti spread the message of our topic teaching this term- improve health and well being of both people and planet.

If you’d like to find out more about their work or how you can get involved please follow this link


Tour of Fenway Park

This afternoon we were fortunate enough to have an awesome guided tour of Fenway park where we were able to learn all about the history of the stadium, how it’s evolved over time and how they’re using modern technology to grow their own food to use in the restaurants on site – they even have a computerised irrigation system to help their crops grow.

“Fenway Park was really interesting because there were so many thing that we were shown, and they all had meaning and we learnt about them in detail. I understand baseball now!” – Ethan

“My favourite part of the tour was going to the highest stands called the Green Monster, and we sat in the same chairs that the celebrities sit in when they come to watch a RedSox game” – James B

LEGO Discovery Center

Our morning activity today was focussed around the two Core Values of Teamwork and Fun – and what better place to combine the two than the LEGO Discovery Center in Boston?

Here the Pumpkins explored many different worlds of LEGO, from the Space Land where they built rockets and sent them off into cyberspace to the Builders Workshop where the students got to work with Shaun the Master Model Builder to create their own mini figure-scale scenes.

They even combined forces to turn a giant LEGO mountain build into an orangey “Pumpkin Kingdom”!!

Going Underground!

We’re on the way to our first stop of the day at the LEGO Discovery Center and that means our first taste of public transport in Massachusetts – the T line.

“When we got off the first train it was really stinky smelling underground! We’re on the Orange line now and that’s really pumpkiny!” – Jenna