Making Magic in Year 4!

To celebrate all of the fantastic learning which has been going on, Year 4 celebrated a Harry Potter ‘dress up’ day on Tuesday 26th March. The school playground was abuzz with spells and charms, the favourites being ‘expeliarmus’ and ‘wingardium leviosa.’

This term, Year 4 have been immersed into the world of Harry Potter, reading Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone. They have absolutely loved their Whole Class Reading sessions on this book and have really excelled at retrieving key information to help explain their understanding of the book.

In PE, our students have been delving into the enchanting world of Quidditch. Under the guidance of Mr. Stanlake, our PE coordinator, in their inaugural Quidditch session, our budding Witches and Wizards embarked on their maiden voyage into the intricate rules of this bewitching game. Ever since their inaugural session, the students have eagerly embraced the complexities of Quidditch, reveling in its magical challenges. 



In English, they have described Hogwarts using adventurous adjectives, similes and metaphors to really showcase the magic that conjures up Hogwarts castle. In addition, they have also experienced a Potions lesson with Professor Emery and Professor Peck.


This involved concocting a potion, deciding upon its magical value and then advertising their potion to the masses.The students were incredible and bowled us over with their enthusiasm and flair for writing this term. Their persuasive posters and adverts were of spell-binding quality. Check out the pictures of the students and teachers having an incredible time below!

Also in the news:

Jack Emery

Year 4’s Remarkable Remote Learning!

These past few weeks, Year 4 have taking amazingly well to the activities set for remote learning. Their perseverance and creativity has been awe-inspiring and it’s been wonderful to see the exceptional work being shared on

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Nic Stanlake

South West Title for Super Gymnast

Penpol School now has an Under 11 South West Gymnastics champion amongst its sporting stars. She has, for many years now, been featuring on the Penpol times but this is her biggest accommodate to date. Travelling

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Amanda Aspden

Terrific Trevaskis

Class 1 had a lovely day at Trevaskis farm. We learnt some names of different fruits and vegetables including some of the more unusual ones such as kumquats, moolis and romanesco cauliflower and learnt how and

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Also in the news:

Nic Stanlake

Year 5 Tackle Litter in Hayle

As part of our 360 Curriculum, Year 5 needed to start a community project. After our recent walk through Hayle on our way to our beach clean, the children were left reeling at the amount of

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Jacob Woolcock

Coding Underwater Adventure Games in Scratch

Our Year 5 students have been exploring Scratch this term and learning lots about coding along the way.  From small beginnings, the children have quickly developed a really exciting and creative understanding of just what’s possible

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Year 3 outside Geevor Tin Mine
Christina Sukstiene

Year 3’s Tin Mine Travels

This half term (25.02.2023), Classes 7 and 8 went on an exciting trip to Geevor Tin Mine as part of their topic for this term – ‘Minecraft’! We arrived in the morning and put our hard

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Michael Pearson

Drama at the Minack

On Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd February, our Year 2 classes braved the elements as they ventured to the historic and magical Minack Theatre for a theatre tour and drama workshop.   After a long and

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Amanda Aspden

Brilliant Beach Days

Class 1 had an amazing day at the Bluff beach with the surf lifesaving super star Ben Holtaway.   We started out in the beach hut and learnt all about beach safety. We learnt where and

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