Staff 8 – 6 Students

As is Penpol tradition, the departing Year 6 children had the opportunity to have the last word and take home The Pollard Cup. Unfortunately no one told the teachers. The final score finishing at 8-6 in favour of the more experienced side meant the Pollard cup will remain in the hands of the Penpol Staff team for another year.

The score never does the match justice with it being played in wonderful spirits with many wonderful goals scored. The children should be ex optionally proud of how they performed but it is the teachers who remain undefeated.

Teachers goals were shared out between Mr Emery, Mr Stanlake and Miss Burlington as well as Nay and Mr Curnow on their final day before they depart to pastured new.

Children’s goals were scored by Isaac B, Isaac L, Alfie and Bobby.


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Nic Stanlake

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Nic Stanlake

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Jack Emery

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Jack Emery

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Jono Peck

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Jacob Woolcock

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Jacob Woolcock

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Nic Stanlake

South West Title for Super Gymnast

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