Sports Day Fun in Reception

Class 1 and 2 sports day is an annual event which is held in June each year.  All of the children in the Reception classes loved encouraging each other during their races and both parents and guests were invited to come and support.  The atmosphere was great with all of the participants having a wonderful time taking part in the races. The encouragement and support from the parents was amazing as we had parents, Grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends shouting encouragement from the side lines.

The children engaged in the spirit of the day to join in with the old favourites like the egg and spoon race and the sack race. The team games consisted of the bean bag game, the dressing up and the kings breakfast.

I liked the dressing up race best because that was very funny because Finley had some dress on him and it was so funny and there was something funny about it – Hana Class 1

I liked the running race because I love running – Lucas Class 2

The toddlers race was a bit of fun and the children in Class 1 looked after their brothers and sisters and ensured they passed the finishing line together.

The running races proved to be a favourite with the children and crowd. It started with the boys race, followed by the girls race. Finally came the mixed girls and boys race which provided great excitement for the crowd.

I liked the sack race best because you got to go into sacks – Rosie Class 2

The sports day was a great success. The children showed a great team spirit towards each other and cheered along with the crowd to support their friends.

I liked the kings breakfast race. We put a circle on our heads that was a crown, we carried breakfast. It was fun – Emilija

A well deserved ice cream to finish.

Well Done Class 1 and 2.

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