Fabulous Firemen visit Class 1 and 2

Hayle and Tolvaddon firemen kindly brought the fire engine to school to show the children the types of things they do to help people.

I liked it when i went in the fire truck. I saw the walkie talkies and torches – Erin Class 2

We learnt all about the different equipment on the firetruck. We had a look at the different sized hose reels and jets and learnt when they are used. We saw the 3 ladders carried on the roof and learnt when the firemen would use them. We saw the massive cutters and spreaders to cut cars open. We saw the winches that attach to the fireman if they have to be lowered down into a hole or over a cliff to rescue someone or an animal. We had a look inside the fire engine at the breathing apparatus, torches and walkie talkies.

Inside the classroom, we were lucky enough to learn all about fire safety in the home. We learnt how to stop drop and roll, all about smoke detectors in the home and we even got to dress up in the firefighters kit.

The highlight for most of the children had to be listening to the sirens and squirting the water.

My Daddy put me in the fire engine. I learnt about the hoses and how to stop, drop and roll when you’ve got your clothes on fire. My favourite bit was seeing Daddy – Skye Class 2

I liked the water and the fire engine – Nicolas Class 1

I liked squirting the water and I liked to see the fire engine. I love Daddy – Evie Class 1

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Year 3 outside Geevor Tin Mine
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