Fantastic film making by Class 4

Class 4 are starring in their own film! We have been making a promotional video about why Hayle is the perfect holiday destination. On Tuesday, we all set off for a very long (and very hot) walk all over town. Our first stop was the harbour, where we stopped for a snack and a chance to soak up the view.

We decided to take our playtime on the beach and had lots of fun paddling in the water. We continued our journey along St George’s walk, where we met a lovely lady called Sandy, who explained all about the bug mansion, the woodland walk and the sensory garden.

Then it was on to the skate park for some more filming and a spot of lunch. We finished off the day with a delicious ice cream at Mr B’s.

The children had all been given destinations that they had to talk about on film. They did an absolutely fantastic job. Our day trip out and our short film has inspired the children to do lots of high quality writing using interesting adjectives and verbs in our literacy lessons. They have also produced lots of excellent work in our science, geography and art lessons as well.

Check out our promotional video and tell us what you think. Do you think people would be persuaded to holiday in Hayle?

(A special thank you to all of the extra helpers. You really helped make a great day out!)


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