Wimbledon Fever at Penpol

Tennis fever has taken hold at Penpol School. Since Easter we have been running a KS2 tennis club which has been very well attended by children from year 4 to 6. The children  have learnt to play a series of shots and have progressed to combining them to play structured games against each other.

Alongside the club sessions, many of the classes including Years 1, 4, 5 and 6 have received specialist coaching from Sarah Arnold at Hayle Tennis Club, which they have certainly enjoyed.

It’s wonderful seeing so many children having a go, and enjoying tennis. The club are over the moon with the number of children engaging in clubs and lessons though the link with Penpol School- Mrs Sarah Hampshire, Hayle Tennis Club Chairperson

Below are timings of some sessions at Hayle Tennis Club that your child may be interested in, please click HERE for more information around pricing and club events or speak to Mr Stanlake or Mrs Hampshire.

Saturday mornings:

9-10am for  8 and under

10.15-11.15am for 9-10

11.30-12.30 -11+

Thursday Evenings:

3.30-4.30pm 8 and under

4.30-5.30pm for 9 and 10

5.30-6.30 for 11+



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