Authors and Aquila respond!

Three budding writers in Class 12 have had responses from authors and a magazine for kids called Aquila after writing to them.

Following a writers workshop at Hayle Academy, Colbie wrote to Jill Murphy (author of the Worst Witch series). A few weeks later she was surprised to have a letter of response.

Jill told Colbie how she was inspired from an early age to write books starting at six years old. She lives on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall which she says is a wonderful place to live and work from. She thanked Colbie for writing to her.

Colbie was happy to receive the letter and liked the photos of Jill’s dog Elsie.

Amy wrote to the comedian and author David Baddiel. David is also back in the headlines again recently as he was part of the duo with Frank Skinner and the Lightning Seeds that sang the song ‘It’s coming home’ – The England football song.

David commented on the importance of reading and thanked her for the letter. He has a new book coming out soon!

Amy was excited to receive the letter and would like to read his new book.

Freya wrote to Aquila (the magazine for inquisitive kids) requesting an article on cats and dogs. Freya’s request featured in the magazine with a photo of her cat Otto in a backpack who does like to travel in style.

Aquila wrote back to Freya thanking her for her request. They have done a whole page spread on cats and dogs – Otto enjoyed the article greatly!

Freya was really excited when she saw her article in the magazine. The first thing she did was show Otto!


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