Music in the Marquee 2018: The After-Movie!

For the last in our series of three posts about this years Music in the Marquee, I’m delighted to share with you our official video of the event!  You may have seen Miss Clarey with her camera out all evening, getting lots of videos of everything that goes on at Music in the Marquee.

She’s taken all those clips and has made this incredible video to show you what the night was all about.  If you were there then try to see if you can spot yourself!

As always, the whole purpose of the night is to try and raise as much money for the PFA as possible.  I’m delighted to say that this year, our concert has raised £3903!!!


This year was the fourth Music in the Marquee and featured Ben Thorpe and DJ Flo Selecta as well as our headline act, Bradley Johnson.  Bradley actually flew in from Corfu especially to play at Penpol and then flew back out to Greece the very next day!  We’re delighted that he came all this way to see us.

Check out the two posts below to see all the wonderful photos of the evening.

Music in the Marquee 2018: Photo Gallery

On Saturday night we hosted our fourth Music in the Marquee concert featuring DJ Flo Selecta, Ben Thorpe and of course, Bradley Johnson.  My friend Matt Bromage was here with his camera and has kindly shared these amazing photos with us. Don’t forget you can click on each

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Music in the Marquee 2018: Meeting Bradley

On Saturday night we welcomed back Bradley Johnson to Penpol School to play our annual Music in the Marquee fundraising concert. We also welcomed a very talented friend of Mr Woolcock, Matt Bromage, who was on hand with his camera to get some photos of the evening. Check

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Also in the news:

Amanda Aspden

Splendid Standing Stones Stables

Class 1 had a fabulous time at the Standing Stones Stables in Trink St.Ives. We met Rolo, Buddy and James the gentle and patient ponies. I liked riding the horse, the brown one – Jasper We

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Amanda Aspden

Reception visit Heyl Crossfit

The reception classes had a great time at Heyl gym. Louise, our personal trainer, taught us how to do proper squats and we did some bear, frog and duck walking. We also learnt how to swing

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Jacob Woolcock

Making Music with Micro:Bits in Year 3

Over the past few weeks Year 3 have been learning to code on our Micro:Bit computers.  These tiny devices are a great way to get hands-on with Computing and enable our students to write programs that

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Jacob Woolcock

Year 4 create their own Map of Africa

This half term our Year 4’s have been studying ‘Which Way to Africa?’ as their topic.  Part of this exciting learning has involved creating Digital Art on the iPads.   The children started learning all about

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Also in the news:

Michael Pearson

Magic on the Mount

On Tuesday 26th September and Thursday 5th October 2023, Class 5 and 6 embarked upon magical and memorable trips to St Michael’s Mount as part of their Autumn Term topic, ‘Who’s the King of the Castle?’

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