Exploring 3D designs for this year’s Winter Ornaments

This half term we’re starting a big 3D printing project in Computing.  Each class has been learning all about 3D design and how to create different models and designs using the 3D design software Tinkercad.

Each class have gone through some quick-fire challenges with limited time and blocks to push their creativity and design skills to the limits.  We’ve seen some giraffes made of just two shapes, rockets made of 6 and even models of St Michael’s Mount made using just 4 basic shapes.

The children have really embraced the creative side of Computing with this project so far and are now starting to develop their own ideas for their 3D printer Winter Ornament.

Over the next couple of weeks each child in Key Stage 2 will design four different ornaments, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each, pick their favourite and then make refinements to their favourite design.  When they’re happy with their finished product, Mr Woolcock and Paul will make sure that all of the designs get printed before the end of term.

Henry has created a very festive talking hat
Jazmin has designed a lovely black cat in a hat
Jade has recreated her favourite teddy bear
Summer has made a very eye-catching winter decoration

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Michael Pearson

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