Super Surf Life Saving Results for 6 Star

Last weekend Emi, Class 13, travelled to Cardiff for the National Nipper Surf Life Saving Championships. Emi competes for Hayle Surf Life Saving Club, where she has been a member since the age of 8, alongside a number of other pupils at Penpol.

Emi competed in 6 events all within the Under 11 category achieving brilliant results and personal bests along the way. In her favourite event, the board race, Emi, smashed 4 seconds off her personal best finishing 10th place out 97 participants! Placing her in the top ten nationally for her age group; an amazing achievement.

Emi also competed in: the board relay where she secured a 7th place finish out of 50; the board rescue, 19th out of 50; tube rescue, 21st out 50; flipper, 32nd out of 50; medley relay, finishing 30th!

Really well done Emi, a fantastic achievement!

More information and full results from Hayle Surf Life Saving Club can be found at this linked page-


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